Denizli is developed city with its turism and art and located southwest of Aegen region in Turkey. Geographycal Location It is located at southeast side of Aegen Region.It is a situation as transition between Aegen and Meditterian Regions.
There are lands of Denizli in both region.28o38 ‘- 30o05’ east meridians (east end point; Chivril district Gumussu – Gokgol Dark Dinar border Efekl Hill, west end point; the district to find Aland Bay, Manisa – Sarıgöl border Turd hill) 38o29 ‘- 38o52’ north latitudes (northern endpoint ; Çivril Bream Bay, Afyon border Avgan Dam cemetery, south end point; Cameli – Mugla Karabayir border Bay) include.Denizli province neigbor Burdur and Afyon Turkey from east, Aydin and Manisa Turkey from west, Mugla from south and Usak from northeast. Area is 11.868 km2 and raises from sea is 428metres of Denizli Turkey.
History First formation of Denizli was in Eskihisar Village 6 km far away from north. This city was formed between B.C 261-245 years by Syria King II.Antiokhos. II.Antiokhos named city as her wife name Laodike.It was meaning of City of Laodike.City moved to Kaleichi place after big earthquake in A.C 7 century. Turks after seized region named it ”Ladik”. You can find different names of Denizli in historic sources.Seljuk records and Denizli court registries selection gave name Ladik to Denizli Turkey.Tunguzlu said in Ibni Batuta’s notes. Tensiz meaning is Denizli in old Turkish.Tunguzlu is Denizli pronountion of today.In summery Denizli name came from Tunguzlu word.
Pamukkale Travertenleri – Pamukkale

Hierapolis Antik Kenti – Pamukkale

Yamaç Paraşütü & Balon & Microlight

Center of Denizli

Traveling Places of Denizli
Tekke Village: Thermals These thermals known with care of its skin and women disaese and comes from Roman times to modern day. We suggest you to arrive there if you come to Denizli Turkey.
St. Philippe Martyrion Church: It is located at north of antique city and most avalaible place of Hierapolis to see. It should be added to trip programme.
Denizli UFO Museum: It is first International Ufo Museum of Europa , Balcans and Middle East. This museum ufo museum after America,Japon and England. There animated missing of animal ,mutation, human missing and flying circle in this museum.
Yeshildere Waterfall: Yeshildere Waterfall one of the place that you have to see in Denizli Turkey.To way on Yeshildere Waterfall you will see first Sakizcilar Village then Aglayan Rock. This waterfall has 55 metres of highest.
Pamukkale Travertine: One of the district of Denizli is Pamukkale and known as its travetine.It is located at Menderes Lake with its carbonat minerals from flowing water and city thermals.Pamukkale Travertine waitin for you with its white situation.